Friday, October 18, 2013

Playstation 3: Is The Latest Batch The Best?

Where do the latest ps3 games sit on the Pantheon of the PS3? Let’s have a look-see.


cheked my Facebook and caught a status update from my friend.

“Well, with a little trepidation I’ve finally done it” the update read “I’ve bought my own detached house. It has all appliances I could need and a beautiful thatched roof”

I was surprised and impressed by this news, Bob is only a little older than me. I was shocked that he was enjoying so much success. I was pleased for him. Bob and I were at college together. I enjoyed it.  He moved away and I only met him a few years later, whilst we were on the same train. We still had a lot in common. I went to offer my congratulations until I realized I’d been had by two words. Dork.


Bob is not alone, loads of people had great fun last year with PS3 games. Around half my mates had their social lives decimated by Skyrim. Great. Each. Saw him.


Fell prey to. is extremely unlikely to work if they make the title any shorter. Might annoy F1 fans who get confused and buy it by mistake. It is the sequel to…Don’t make me tell you!, with updated squad lists and slightly better graphics. It sold well, but I can’t say it’s hugely better than FIFA11.


Another one that did well towards the end of last year. I think you play it in groups of three. I hate Dragonball Z. Sit through earlier episode or showing you what’s to come in the next episode. Apart from that, our lead characters do nothing but get angrier. Extremely pissed off) hero gets really mad, glows yellow and kills him. The end. Installments. What’s that? Oh, the game? {I have no idea, I got sidetracked|Distracted|Taken off on a tangent…Madder.



Playstation 3: Is The Latest Batch The Best?

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